
Halfway House Program

This program is designed to serve men who have recently completed inpatient treatment for chemical dependency.


Hi, I'm Jeff, a recovering alcoholic/addict. The Link didn't just save my life, The Link taught me to embrace life. I will always consider the Link my home.Jeff H.

After many up and down years struggling with alcholism, drug addiction and life's problems, I was in a miserable place. My bottom came when I was arrested, tanked my medical career, and found myself in treatment at Valley Hope. My outlook on life wasn't bright and I felt broken. Almost two years later that misery seems like a far away place. I never knew life could be so good, because when I left Vally Hope, I moved to The Link Halfway House. It's no exaggeration the The Link saved my life and showed me how to live without alcohol. I have become a productive member of the community that I used to be a menace to. I will never forget where my new life started.Ned M.

When I first stepped foot in the Link Halfway House I had no idea what to expect; I had no job, no home, and a new marriage that I was doing a fine job of destroying. I wanted to stop using drugs, but for many years I thought even that was impossible. I certainly did not have hope of regaining the potential I had thrown away so long ago. What I found at the Link was so much more than a way to not use. I was introduced to a new way of life. The staff that greeted me stripped away the feelings of shame and embarrassment I felt for needing help to deal with addiction. I became part of a family, a group of brothers working towards bettering our lives together. I learned I was worthy of living in a clean environment that is not chaos twenty four hours a day. I discovered I could dream again; that I could live, not just survive. I have been involved with the Link Halfway House for over six years now. Some of that time has been as a resident, some as an employee, and now as an alumnus who knows the value in showing up. Even through my struggles, I have always been welcomed at the Link. The Link has allowed me to start following my dreams. I now have a college degree and am currently in school. I have a spectacular job that I never would have thought I could do before going through the Link. I am still married. Perhaps the most important, I have lasting friendships and I learned how to have fun. There are not words to adequately describe the Link or how important it is in my life. I still go there almost every morning for coffee and conversation. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to become part of the band of brothers who have gone through the Link before and after me. I especially feel a deep sense of appreciation for being part of the recovery journey for those men who are not yet here. The Link helps build a foundation for life in recovery that is literally the difference between life and death. Oh yeah, I stopped using drugs too.Tommy N.